Euphoric ( |
Оперативна Система | : Windows |
Версия | : 1.0 Build 1009 |
Дата | : 20 Март 2008 |
Размер | : 240 Kb |
Файл | : Свалени |
| Emulator of Oric/Atmos/Telestrat without GUI. All settings are changed via .ini file or command line keywords. |
MESS ( |
Оперативна Система | : Windows |
Версия | : 0.161 |
Дата | : 2 Май 2015 |
Размер | : 17928 Kb |
Файл | : Свалени |
| MESS is a multisystem emulator of various consoles and old computers. Some of them are emulated pretty good and some of them are not. In any case, if there is a separate emulator for some platform, better use it then mess. |
MESS ( |
Оперативна Система | : Windows |
Версия | : 0.161 64-bit |
Дата | : 2 Май 2015 |
Размер | : 18850 Kb |
Файл | : Свалени |
| MESS is a multisystem emulator of various consoles and old computers. Some of them are emulated pretty good and some of them are not. In any case, if there is a separate emulator for some platform, better use it then mess. |
Oricutron ( |
Оперативна Система | : Windows |
Версия | : 1.1 |
Дата | : 7 Декември 2013 |
Размер | : 1092 Kb |
Файл | : Свалени |
| Oric 1/Atmos/Telestrat/Pravetz 8D emulator. |