blueMSX ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 2.8.2 |
Data | : 15 de Agosto de 2009 |
Tamanho | : 14582 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| The blueMSX MSX emulator is approaching its third anniversary and in this short time it has established itself as the most advanced and feature rich MSX emulator. It supports most common machines and a wide variety of extension hardware. A feature rich debugger is also included in the emulator.
During the last two years, the MSX emulation has been extended and support for other systems have been added. blueMSX is now also an SVI emulator, and supports the ColecoVision and Sega SG-1000, SC-3000, SF-7000 consoles. |
Cogwheel ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : |
Data | : 17 de Novembro de 2017 |
Tamanho | : 291 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, SG-1000 and ColecoVision emulator. The project uses a modular design based around a Z80 core emulator class library. The rest of the Sega-specific emulation is implemented in another class library, and the user interface is implemented as a separate application. This would allow the main emulator to be easily adapted to different interfaces.
The code is written in C#3 (targetting .NET 2.0). The user interface uses Windows Forms, with SlimDX being used to render the graphical output to the form as quickly as possible. |
ColEm ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 2.6 |
Data | : 1 de Agosto de 2008 |
Tamanho | : 290 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| Nice Coleco ColecoVision emulator with simple interface and good compatibility. |
FreezeSMS ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 4.6 |
Data | : 3 de Junho de 2002 |
Tamanho | : 1038 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| FreezeSMS - great multisystem emulator. It supports:
- Sega Master System;
- Sega Game Gear;
- Sega Game 1000;
- ColecoVision;
- Nintendo Entertainment System.
This emu has good interface and utilizes DirectX 8 for Sound, Input and graphics support. FreezeSMS can use different database files wich contain screenshots, box covers, hints, tips, cheats, reviews, lots of information regarding every SMS game. Go to the FreezeSMS webpage to download them. FreezeSMS works fine on Pentium 166 and has good compatibility. |
MEKA ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 0.73 |
Data | : 30 de Maio de 2010 |
Tamanho | : 746 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| Meka - is a great multisystem emulator. It has support for following systems:
- Sega Game 1000 / SG-1000;
- Sega Computer 3000 / SC-3000;
- Super Control Station / SF-7000;
- Sega Mark III / MK3 + FM Unit Extension / MK3+FM;
- Sega Master System / SMS;
- Sega Game Gear / GG;
- Coleco Vision / COLECO;
- Othello Multi Vision / OMV.
Meka has cool original interface (You should take a look at it ;), sound, joysticks, zipped roms and savestates support. It also has support for many different peripheral devices, like a Light Gun and 3D Glasses! Moreover it has almost 100% compatibility! Meka and FreeseSMS are the best choice for SMS, GG and Coleco lovers |
MEKA ( |
Sistema Operacional | : MS Dos |
Versão | : 0.70 |
Data | : 3 de Abril de 2005 |
Tamanho | : 745 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| Meka - is a great multisystem emulator. It has support for following systems:
- Sega Game 1000 / SG-1000;
- Sega Computer 3000 / SC-3000;
- Super Control Station / SF-7000;
- Sega Mark III / MK3 + FM Unit Extension / MK3+FM;
- Sega Master System / SMS;
- Sega Game Gear / GG;
- Coleco Vision / COLECO;
- Othello Multi Vision / OMV.
Meka has cool original interface (You should take a look at it ;), sound, joysticks, zipped roms and savestates support. It also has support for many different peripheral devices, like a Light Gun and 3D Glasses! Moreover it has almost 100% compatibility! Meka and FreeseSMS are the best choice for SMS, GG and Coleco lovers |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 19-06-2008 |
Data | : 19 de Junho de 2008 |
Tamanho | : 784 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| This is a work in progress version of MEKA. It's updated more frequently, but it may contain bugs and work unstable. |
MESS ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 0.161 |
Data | : 2 de Maio de 2015 |
Tamanho | : 17928 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| MESS is a multisystem emulator of various consoles and old computers. Some of them are emulated pretty good and some of them are not. In any case, if there is a separate emulator for some platform, better use it then mess. |
MESS ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 0.161 64-bit |
Data | : 2 de Maio de 2015 |
Tamanho | : 18850 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| MESS is a multisystem emulator of various consoles and old computers. Some of them are emulated pretty good and some of them are not. In any case, if there is a separate emulator for some platform, better use it then mess. |
Phoenix ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Linux |
Versão | : 2.8.J |
Data | : 5 de Maio de 2017 |
Tamanho | : 2594 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| 3DO/Sega Master System/Atari Jaguar emulator. |
Phoenix ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 2.8.J |
Data | : 5 de Maio de 2017 |
Tamanho | : 21756 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| 3DO/Sega Master System/Atari Jaguar emulator. |
Phoenix ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Windows |
Versão | : 2.8.J (x64) |
Data | : 5 de Maio de 2017 |
Tamanho | : 21763 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| 3DO/Sega Master System/Atari Jaguar emulator. |
Phoenix ( |
Sistema Operacional | : Linux |
Versão | : 2.8.J (x64) |
Data | : 5 de Maio de 2017 |
Tamanho | : 2566 Kb |
Arquivo | : Descarregar |
| 3DO/Sega Master System/Atari Jaguaremulator. |