descarregar - Plugins for various Emulators - Nintendo 64

Site is in the archive mode. All roms were deleted from the server.

Project 64 RDB (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 1.6.016
Data: 14 de Agosto de 2006
Tamanho: 525 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
N64 game database for Project 64. Containts information about compatibility with current version of Project 64 and FAQs about emulation of specific games.
Aristotle's Video Plugin (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 6.1.8
Data: 23 de Fevereiro de 2009
Tamanho: 1382 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Great video plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators. Based on Rice Video plguin.
GlideN64 (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 2.0
Data: 25 de Dezembro de 2015
Tamanho: 5208 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Great video plugin for 3DFX based video cards. It can be used with modern cards too, by installing a glide wrapper.
Rice Video Community version (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 0.4.4
Data: 31 de Dezembro de 2014
Tamanho: 269 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
1964Video is based on the latest version of the Rice-plugin, meaning the version 6.1.4, which included some changes of Mudlord. Afterwards the community involvement started as Gitech requested some improvements for supporting the development of his Castlevania-LOD hires pack. Subsequently the plugin changed once again it's name to 'Aristotle's Mudlord & Rice Video' and at last to 1964Video.
RiceVideo (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 6.1.1 beta 10
Data: 26 de Marco de 2005
Tamanho: 670 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Video plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators. Support high resolution textures.
SoftGraphic HLE plugin (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 1.4.0
Data: 24 de Agosto de 2013
Tamanho: 166 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Soft video plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators.
Shunyuan's HLE Audio Plugin (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 1.8.2u1
Data: 6 de Outubro de 2013
Tamanho: 273 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Audio plugin for Project 64.
NRage Input Plugin (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 2.3d
Data: 27 de Novembro de 2017
Tamanho: 173 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Nice PAD plugin. Supports analog and digital joysticks, keyboard, mouse and controller profiles!
Pokopom (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: r127
Data: 1 de Abril de 2013
Tamanho: 48 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Pokopom is a PSEmu Pro pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2
controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators respectively. It only uses XInput, so as
to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers.

It currently has only some basic configuration dialog, and defaults to use
the first and second XInput controllers as pad1 and pad2 respectively.

The plugin supports rumble with a nice custom curve, and has extended analog
stick range to cover the 'square' on PSX's controllers.
Shunyuan's Directinput plugin (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 1.2
Data: 10 de Setembro de 2013
Tamanho: 86 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
PAD plugin for Nintedno 64 emulators.
AQZNetPlayPlugin (
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Versão: 0.20
Data: 24 de Agosto de 2013
Tamanho: 356 Kb
Arquivo: Descarregar
Netplay plugin.


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