5 January 2018 |
XEBRA 05-01-2018 Eevon [18:50] |
Japanese Sony Playstation emulator for Windows has been updated. No changes info available.
File: Download
News source: http://drhell.web.fc2.com
Emu Loader 8.4.3 Eevon [18:49] |
One of the best МАМЕ frontends - Emu Loader - has been updated. Check out full list of changes here.
News source: http://emuloader.mameworld.info
fMSX/fMSX Deluxe 5.2.1 Eevon [18:49] |
MSX emulator for Android has been updated. Changes:
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing "file://" URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
News source: https://play.google.com
News source: https://play.google.com
4 January 2018 |
New NES dumps by CaH4e3 Eevon [23:23] |
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following new NES dumps:
- 168-in-1 [p1][!], 4-in-1 (SO1)[p1][!].
Haven't planned any releases by now but got some special Christmas-themed dump with help of HardWareMan (thanks a lot!), so here we are. Nothing really special, just Santa on the menu with simple already known games. However I modified mapper 213 implementation in order to run this particular dump. So, all code is in FCEUX repository already, use the build-bot to get the recent version.
The second dump is also from HardWareMan. Has a set of UNROM games hacked to mapper 178 used in some education computer cartridges. Nothing interesting apart form menu, though...
- 2-in-1 - Aladdin 2 + Lion King, The [p1][U][!], 2-in-1 - Boogerman + Flintstones, The [p1][U][!], 2-in-1 - Mortal Kombat + Super Aladdin [p1][U][!], 2-in-1 - Sonic 5 + Batman 3 (YH226)[p1][U][!], 3-in-1 - Harry Legend + Pokemon + Aladdin II [p1][U][!], 4-in-1 - Chessmaster [p1][U][!], 4-in-1 - Digital Monster [p1][U][!], 4-in-1 - Harry Legend (YH3139)[p1][U][!], 6-in-1 - Lost World, The (HP10xx-HP20xx board)[p1][U][!].
Since there are nothing to dump currently (and maybe won't be like the last year), I think I can dig into my old dumping archives of unemulated dumps made by all period but left unemulated by some reasons. I released some of them already, just interesting ones in the first place. So the rest are mostly a multigame dumps. The emulation wasn't a problem for all them, but I need some more research on currently emulated mappers, if there any duplicates may be present.
So, here are dump on the same unemulated before hardware similar to FK23C (mapper 176), but with more strictly defined much simpler commands. UNIF board added to the FCUEX repository as well already.
Sometimes, the same menu types can use different types of mapper. See, 7-in-1 with Lost World and Cricket here uses HP10xx/HP20xx board as against other similar multigame carts released by me previously. These boards has no unsoldered dip-switch pins for menu selection, however they has the same ability which you may see on two last pictures here.
- 6-in-1 - Spider Man 2 (HP10xx-HP20xx board)[p1][U][!], 7-in-1 - Spider Man 2 (HP10xx-HP20xx board)(KY7005)[p1][U][b1], 6-in-1 - Spider Man 2 (FK23C board)[p1][!].
Here more examples to the similar menus. First two dumps are from HP10xx/HP20xx boards (first two pictures), there are no different menus in it. The third one (by HardWareMan too) has the same menu, but on FK23C board (two last pictures)
7-in-1 dump here was the same where I ripped my old Spiderman 2 and Poke Tetris bad roms back in the 2007. Note, if you look at the post above on the same 2007 year page, you'll see another FK23C version of such menu similar to the HardWareMan's dump with a different set of games.
- 7-in-1 - Pokemon Yellow (HP10xx-HP20xx board)(KY7010)[p1][U][!], 9-in-1 - Pokemon Yellow (FK23C board)[p1][!].rar.
And finally, one more set of similar menus on the different hardwares. The first one is HP10xx/HP20xx board from the same long time not emulated bunch of dumps which I didn't released by now at all (haven't seen them in the wild also). The second one - same menu on FK23C board dumped also by HardWareMan. Both have different sets of menus. However, the default setting for the first one should be 7-in-1 which isn't supported currently so it starts from the 4-in-1. The second one has the same default mode for menu as on the hardware cart, so it starts from 9-in-1 as intended. Note, the menu position for 4-in-1 version of the HP10xx/HP20xx boars is incorrect, which is fixed in the FK23C version.
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
3 January 2018 |
Emu Loader 8.4.2 Eevon [21:05] |
One of the best МАМЕ frontends - Emu Loader - has been updated. Check out full list of changes here.
News source: http://emuloader.mameworld.info
1 January 2018 |
MasterGear 4.1.3 Eevon [23:08] |
Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator for Android has been updated. Changes:
* Fixed desktop icon placement.
* Fixed crash when passing "file://" URI via desktop icon.
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
* Switched to the latest android-27 SDK.
* Now using Android build tools version 27.0.2.
* Fixed gamepad on Nvidia ShieldTV and other AndroidTV devices.
* Any input devices named as "virtual-*" are now ignored.
* Any virtual (android-16) and disabled (android-27) devices are ignored.
News source: https://play.google.com
Emu Loader 8.4.1 Eevon [23:08] |
One of the best МАМЕ frontends - Emu Loader - has been updated. Check out full list of changes here.
News source: http://emuloader.mameworld.info
Cemu 1.11.3 Eevon [15:08] |
Wii U emulator for Windows has been updated recently. Changes:
- Added multi-core PowerPC emulation.
- SpotPass support (auto-download BOSS files).
- Small optimizations.
- Misc smaller changes and bugfixes.
File: Download
News source: http://cemu.info
Nova 0.1.8 Eevon [14:45] |
Sega Saturn emulator has been updated recently. No change log available.
File: Download
News source: https://twitter.com
31 December 2017 |
VGBAnext 5.6.3 Eevon [01:05] |
Nintendo GameBoy Advance/GameBoy Color/GameBoy emulator for Android has been updated. Changes:
* Fixed DropBox crash when app folder has subfolders.
* Fixed possible native crash when applying .IPS patches.
* Ignoring virtual (android-16) and disabled (android-27) input devices.
* Switched to the latest android-27 SDK.
* Now using Android build tools version 27.0.2.
News source: https://play.google.com
29 December 2017 |
Emu Loader 8.4 Eevon [22:28] |
One of the best МАМЕ frontends - Emu Loader - has been updated. Check out full list of changes here.
News source: http://emuloader.mameworld.info
28 December 2017 |
Nova 0.1.7 Eevon [16:16] |
Sega Saturn emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- v0.1.7 mainly increased compatibility, more games are playable. And added Traditional Chinese translation(Thanks cia).
File: Download
News source: https://twitter.com
MAME 0.193 Eevon [16:08] |
Multiple arcade machine emulator for Windows has been updated. Changes:
It’s a bit late for Christmas, but MAME 0.193 is ready today. First of all, let’s get the disclaimers out of the way. We’ve switched to GCC 7 for Windows binaries, and started requiring SSE 2 (Pentium 4, Opteron, Athlon 64, or equivalent) for 32-bit Windows binaries. In the unlikely event that either of these changes causes issues for your use case, you’ll have to build from source. There’s currently an issue with overlay artwork not being displayed when using bgfx video output. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to address this in time for the release. As a workaround, we recommend using Direct3D or OpenGL video output for systems that use overlay artwork (this includes many handheld/tabletop games, Space Invaders, and the Vectrex console). You can track progress on this issue at MAME Testers.
And now, the stuff you’ve all been waiting for: the highlights. We’ve added support for a whole lot of Tiger handhelds based on licensed IP in this release, including the unmissable MC Hammer, Batman Forever, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Robocop 2. We’ve also added some of Tiger’s handheld renditions of popular games from other platforms, like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter II, Battletoads, and Space Harrier II. On the arcade side, newly working games include prototypes Calcune and In Your Face, a location test version of Teki Paki, PGM2 titles Oriental Legend 2 and Knights of Valour 2 New Legend, and a number of beatmania IIDX titles.
Computer fans don’t need to feel left out this Christmas, either. The Agat-7 floppy drive emulation has been improved to the point where it’s considered working, and the internal HP-9845 printer is now supported. If you’re at all interested in the FM Towns, you need to give this release a try, as r09 has made numerous improvements to sprites and scrolling, and greatly improved keyboard behaviour. There are also some big software list updates across a number of systems.
File: Download
News source: http://mamedev.org
Emu 1.01 (26-12-2017) Eevon [16:05] |
Emulator of BK-0010 and other Russian computers has been updated. No changes info available.
File: Download
News source: http://bashkiria-2m.narod.ru
RetroArch 1.7.0 Eevon [16:04] |
Multi system emulator for Windows/Wii/GC/PS3/XBOX/XBOX360/Android has been updated. Changes:
– CHEEVOS: Add badges for achievements, shows thumbnail images of achievements.
– CHEEVOS: Leaderboard support.
– CHEEVOS: Only disable savestates on hardcore mode if achievements are not available.
– COMMANDLINE: Fix fullscreen toggle switch.
– COMMON: Add ‘Automatically Load Content To Playlist’ feature, enabled by default.
– COMMON: Fix slowmotion ratio always being reset back to 1.
– COMMON: Optimized NBIO implementations now for Apple, Windows, and Linux. Uses mmap for Linux/Windows/BSD if/when available. File I/O should now be much faster for loading images inside the menu.
– COMMON: Native Blissbox support now for latest firmware as of writing (2.0). Implementation through libusb and/or native Windows HID.
– COMMON: New lightgun API.
– COMMON: New VFS (Virtual File System) API.
– COMMON: Fixed some playlist bugs.
– COMMON: New snow shader.
– COMMON: Fix Quick Menu title, no longer shows ‘Select File’.
– COMMON: Fix loading cores that require no content one after another.
– COMMON: Map Delete key to Y button for non-unified menu keyboard controls.
– COMMON: Fix for relative paths being normalised and generating a duplicate history entry.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix references to browserfs.
– FREEBSD: Support libusb HID input driver.
– HAIKU: Buildfix.
– INPUT: Map clear button to DEL key.
– LINUX/X11: Add RetroArch logo to window title bar.
– LINUX/X11: Input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– LINUX/X11: Support window transparency (requires a compositing window manager).
– LOBBIES: Fix for crash on join netplay rooms via touch / glui.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese-Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– MENU: Snowflake menu shader effect.
– OSX/PPC: Fix the GL2 renderchain, had to use EXT versions of framebuffer/renderbuffer functions.
– PS3: HTTP requests / downloads should now work.
– PS3: Core Updater now works.
– PS3: Improved font rendering, enable STB Unicode font renderer.
– PSP: Make it work with Vita’s Adrenaline.
– PSP: Fix audio sync.
– PSP: Fix content loading, port should be functional again.
– PSP: Use 64MB when available.
– SCANNER: Fix crash from Windows-incompatible format string.
– VITA: Improve packaging, installation times.
– WIIU: Disabled the controller patcher for now since it was the source of many stability issues.
– VULKAN: Various stability fixes for WSI.
– WINDOWS: Add MSVC 2017 solution.
– WINDOWS: Get rid of the empty console window in MSVC 2010 builds.
– WINDOWS: Raw input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– WINDOWS: Use configured OSD/text message color on GDI driver.
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Populate XInput VID/PID from DInput so autoconfig doesn’t rely solely on joypad names
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Fix crash that occurs in some situations with Steam running and a Steam Controller plugged in.
– WINDOWS: Improve version reporting under System Information.
– WINDOWS: Support window transparency.
– WINDOWS: Correct usage of GetWindowPlacement per MS docs, fixes game window position on Win95/98.
– WINDOWS: Added Visual Studio 2017 support.
File: Download
News source: http://www.libretro.com