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US title M.A.D.
GenreNot set
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US title M.A.S.H.
GenreNot set
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US title Magicard
GenreNot set
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US title Malagai
GenreNot set
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US title Mangia'
GenreNot set
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US title Marauder
GenreNot set
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US title Marine Wars
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mario Bros.
GenreNot set
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US title Master Builder
GenreNot set
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US title Masters of the Universe - The Power of He-Man
GenreNot set
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US title Math Gran Prix
GenreNot set
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US title Maze Craze
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title McDonald's
GenreNot set
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US title Medieval Mayhem
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mega Force
GenreNot set
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US title Mega Funpak - PacMan, Planet Patrol, Skeet Shoot, Battles of Gorf
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Megaboy
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Megamania
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Melbourne Tatty
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Meltdown
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mental Kombat
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Merlin's Walls
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Meteor Defense
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Meteroids
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Midnight Magic
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Millipede
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mind Maze
GenreNot set
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Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Miner 2049er
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Miner 2049er Volume II
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mines of Minos
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Miniature Golf
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Miss Piggy's Wedding
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Missile Command
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Missile Control
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mission 3000 A.D.
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mission Survive
GenreNot set
No screenshot
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US title Misterious Thief
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mogul Maniac
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Monstercise
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Montezuma's Revenge - Starring Panama Joe
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Moon Patrol
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Moonsweeper
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Motocross
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Motocross Racer
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Motorodeo
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mountain King
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mouse Trap
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mr. Do!
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mr. Do!'s Castle
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mr. Postman
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Ms. Pac-Man
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title MultiGame Pirate Cartridges
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Music Machine, The
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title My Golf
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mystery
GenreNot set
No screenshot
Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

ROMs in list: 55


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