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US title Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Japanese titleCadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki
Japanese title (kanji)キャディラックス 恐竜新世紀
Alternate titlesDinosaurs killers
Release year1992
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 1)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 2)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Hack)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (US 930201)
Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki (Japan 930201)
GenreBeat'em Up
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US title Captain Commando
Japanese titleCaptain Commando
Japanese title (kanji)キャプテンコマンドー
Release year1991
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Captain Commando (bootleg)
Captain Commando (Japan 911202)
Captain Commando (US 910928)
GenreBeat'em Up
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US title Dynasty Wars
Japanese titleTenchi wo Kurau
Japanese title (kanji)天地を喰らう
Release year1989
Publisher/Maker Capcom / Shueisha
Additional ROMs Dynasty Wars (US set 2)
Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan)
GenreBeat'em Up
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US title Final Fight
Japanese title (kanji)ファイナルファイト
Release year1990
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Final Fight (Japan 900112)
Final Fight (Japan 900305)
Final Fight (Japan)
Final Fight (US 900112)
Final Fight (US 900613)
Final Fight (US)
GenreBeat'em Up
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US title Knights of the Round
Japanese title (kanji)ナイツオブザラウンド
Release year1991
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Knights of the Round (Hack)
Knights of the Round (Japan 911127)
Knights of the Round (US 911127)
GenreBeat'em Up
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US title The King of Dragons
Japanese title (kanji)ザ・キングオブドラゴンズ
Release year1991
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs The King of Dragons (Japan 910805)
The King of Dragons (US 910910)
GenreBeat'em Up
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title The Punisher
Japanese title (kanji)パニッシャー
Release year1993
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 1)
The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 2)
The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 3)
The Punisher (Japan 930422)
The Punisher (US 930422)
GenreBeat'em Up
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Warriors of Fate
Japanese titleTenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai
Japanese title (kanji)天地を喰らう2
Release year1992
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Sangokushi II (Asia 921005)
Sangokushi II: Huo Fenghuang (Chinese bootleg)
Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (Japan 921031)
Warriors of Fate (Hack)
Warriors of Fate (US 921031)
GenreBeat'em Up
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

ROMs in list: 8


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