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US title Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting
Japanese title (kanji)マーズマトリックス
Release year2000
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (Japan 000412 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (Japan 000412)
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US title Marvel Super Heroes
Release year1995
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Marvel Super Heroes (Asia 951024)
Marvel Super Heroes (Brazil 951117)
Marvel Super Heroes (Hispanic 951117)
Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951024)
Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951117)
Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
Marvel Super Heroes (USA 951024)
GenreVS Fighting
Show all screenshots popular game but not fast at all but good and playable only has marvel and x men character

US title Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
Release year1997
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 970620)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 970827)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Hispanic 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970702)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970707)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970827)
GenreVS Fighting
Show all screenshots This is one of the most popular and best game by capcom including street fighter character like ryu,ken,dan,akuma,zangieff,chunli and marvel character like captan commondo, spiderman, hulk etc. Tips this game is a play an easy mode requires you to beat any one by tapping only button.

US title Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
Release year1998
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980112)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Asia 980123)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Brazil 980123)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980112)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Hispanic 980123)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980112)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980123)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 980123 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA 980123)
GenreVS Fighting
Show all screenshots This is the best fighting game by capcom ever you must play at once for then you know the game quality. it has number of player including street fighter, marvel, darksteller, and almost capcom super heroes. Heavy battle using powers and combos attack and really fast. Tips in easy mode you can make a combos by tapping your one button only depend upon the controller setting.

US title Mega Man - The Power Battle
Japanese titleRockman: The Power Battle
Japanese title (kanji)ロックマン ザ・パワーバトル
Release year1995
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mega Man - The Power Battle
Japanese titleRockman: The Power Battle
Japanese title (kanji)ロックマン ザ・パワーバトル
Release year1995
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
Japanese titleRockman 2: The Power Fighters
Japanese title (kanji)ロックマン2 ザ・パワーファイターズ
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Capcom
Additional ROMs Giga Man 2: The Power Fighters (bootleg of Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters)
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (Asia 960708)
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)
Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (Japan 960708)
GenreVS Fighting
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

US title Mighty! Pang
Japanese title (kanji)マイティ・パン
Release year2000
Publisher/Maker Mitchell
Additional ROMs Mighty! Pang (Euro 000925)
Mighty! Pang (Japan 001011)
Mighty! Pang (USA 001010)
GenreLogic game
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

ROMs in list: 8


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