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US title Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior
Japanese titleArt of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden
Japanese title (kanji)アート・オブ・ファイティング 龍虎の拳外伝
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (Korean release)
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Breakers
Japanese title (kanji)ブレイカーズ
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Visco
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle
Japanese titleFu'un Super Tag Battle
Japanese title (kanji)風雲スーパータッグバトル
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title The King of Fighters '96
Japanese title (kanji)ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ'96
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs The King of Fighters '96 (set 2)
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Magical Drop II
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Data East
Additional ROMs
GenreLogic game
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US title Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Nazca
Additional ROMs
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US title Neo Drift Out - New Technology
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Visco
Additional ROMs
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US title Neo Mr. Do!
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Visco\Uniersal Sales
Additional ROMs
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US title Ninja Master's - haoh-ninpo-cho
Japanese titleNinja Masutaazu Haou Ninpou Chou
Japanese title (kanji)ニンジャマスターズ ~覇王忍法帳~
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK / ADK
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Over Top
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker ADK
Additional ROMs
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US title Pleasure Goal
Japanese titleFutsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Saurus
Additional ROMs
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US title Ragnagard
Japanese titleShin-Oh-Ken
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Saurus / System Vision
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
Japanese titleReal Bout Garou Densetsu Special
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge
Japanese titleSamurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Super Dodge Ball
Japanese titleKunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu
Japanese title (kanji)くにおの熱血闘球ド伝説
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Technos
Additional ROMs
Show all screenshots The sequel to the original Super Dodge Ball. This was also the final game made by Technōs Japan.

US title Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship
European TitleSuper Sidekicks 4 - The Ultimate 11 SNK Football Championship
Japanese titleTokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero
Japanese title (kanji)得点王 炎のリベロ
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs
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US title Stakes Winner 2
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Saurus
Additional ROMs
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US title Neo Turf Masters
Japanese titleBig Tournament Golf
Japanese title (kanji)ビッグトーナメントゴルフ
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Nazca
Additional ROMs
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US title Twinkle Star Sprites
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK / ADK
Additional ROMs
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US title Tecmo World Soccer '96
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK / Tecmo
Additional ROMs
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US title Waku Waku 7
Japanese title (kanji)わくわく7
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker Sunsoft
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Zintrick
Japanese titleOshidashi Zentrix
Japanese title (kanji)押し出しジントリック
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK / ADK
Additional ROMs Zintrick (Neo CD conversion) (non-MAME)
GenreLogic game
Show all screenshots Sorry, but there is no description for this game yet.

ROMs in list: 22


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