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US title Aero Fighters 2
Japanese titleSonic Wings 2
Japanese title (kanji)ソニックウイングス2
Release year1994
Publisher/Maker Video System
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US title Aero Fighters 3
Japanese titleSonic Wings 3
Japanese title (kanji)ソニックウイングス3
Release year1995
Publisher/Maker Video System
Additional ROMs
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US title Aggressors of Dark Kombat
Japanese titleTsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku
Japanese title (kanji)痛快GANGAN行進曲
Release year1994
Publisher/Maker SNK / ADK
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Alpha Mission II
Japanese titleASO II - Last Guardian
Japanese title (kanji)ASO II -ラストガーディアン-
Release year1991
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs
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US title Andro Dunos
Japanese title (kanji)アンドロデュノス
Release year1992
Publisher/Maker Visco
Additional ROMs
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US title Art of Fighting
Japanese titleRyuuko no Ken
Japanese title (kanji)龍虎の拳
Release year1992
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Art of Fighting 2
Japanese titleRyuuko no Ken 2
Japanese title (kanji)龍虎の拳2
Release year1994
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (set 2)
GenreVS Fighting
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US title Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior
Japanese titleArt of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden
Japanese title (kanji)アート・オブ・ファイティング 龍虎の拳外伝
Release year1996
Publisher/Maker SNK
Additional ROMs Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (Korean release)
GenreVS Fighting
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US titleLegend of Success Joe
Japanese titleAshitano Joe Densetsu
Japanese title (kanji)あしたのジョー伝説
Release year1991
Publisher/Maker Wave / SNK
Additional ROMs
GenreBeat'em Up
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ROMs in list: 9


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